Viola pedatifida, Prairie Violet

Prairie Violet is one of those must have companion plants to other low-growing, dry soil, spring native plants like Pasque Flower, Prairie Smoke, Prairie Shooting Star and Blue-eyed Grass. You won't need crocus bulbs with a garden like that!

Prairie Violet may be easily confused with Bird's Foot Violet, Viola pedata. To differentiate, note that Prairie Violet's flower is bearded at the throat, whereas Bird's Foot is smooth. Both of these Viola species might hybridize with the Common Blue Violet, Viola sororia, when grown nearby each other.

Prairie Violet is now listed on our Species & Price List page.

Blooms: violet, late April into June, sometimes repeats later

Height: 4 to 6 inches

Conditions: sun to pt sun, medium to medium-dry soils