Carex sprengelii, Sprengel's Sedge (Long-beaked Sedge)

It's easiest to show Sprengel's Sedge form at night, here at flowering.

Sprengel's Sedge is also known as Long-beaked Sedge.  It is a great woodland edge, garden sedge, with upright form and attractive fruit. It does best in dappled sun to mostly shade, so if planted out in the open, make sure it receives only morning sun and more moisture to keep it happy.

Blooms: creamy yellow, May into June

Height: 14 to 28 inches

Conditions: pt sun to dappled shade, moist-medium to medium soils

Fruiting Sprengel's Sedge in front of Ostrich Fern and Woodland Phlox.

Long and pointed perigynia suggest the alternative name of Long-beaked Sedge.