Quercus macrocarpa, Bur Oak
Bur Oaks are one of the great Midwestern trees. Often found in open savanna settings, sometimes an individual tree at the edge of the prairie, but also found in mixed deciduous forest -just as it is found at Shelterwood. Prefers upland and other well-drained sites. Where in mixed forest, it likely grew to maturity when the forest was thinned by a number of forces as it, as a young tree, does not compete well with other forest tree species.
Shelterwood's Bur Oak are 3-5 years old and are planted in 9 gallon grow bags for easy planting. Protect from herbivory with a hardware cloth or chicken wire fence until tall enough to avoid browse. Water deeply until established, especially during periods of drought. Mature Bur Oaks are drought-tolerant.