Baptisia bracteata, Cream Wild Indigo
Pictures to come!
Although not native to Hennepin County, it is native just to our south, in Dakota county. Baptisia species make excellent garden plants, and in this regard Baptisia bracteata is no different from the blue or white "indigo." Baptisia can be slow to maturity, so you may want to get this one going by purchasing a few year old potted plant as opposed to plugs or by seed. Shelterwood's Cream Wild Indigo will be at least 2 years old in 2023. Plant alongside other well-draining, medium to medium dry soil species like Butterflyweed, Little Bluestem, Sideoats Grama, Liatris aspera, Silene regia (a MN nonnative, Wisconsin-Illinois prairie species).
Blooms: creamy-yellow-white, late May into June
Height: 2 to 3 feet
Conditions: sun to pt sun, medium to dry soils