Elymus hystrix, Bottlebrush Grass

Bottlebrush Grass in a floodplain habitat

Bottlebrush Grass is one of the best of the shade grasses as its inflorescence and seeds create bold visual textures in woodland gardens and natural areas. Bottlebrush Grass can be massed for effect or intermixed with other woodland plants. As a cool season grass, Bottlebrush will grow blades in spring and fall while flowering and seed production happens in summer. Over time it will self-seed, but plays well in a community of plants. Bottlebrush is taller and prefers moister soils than its cousin, Silky Wild Rye.

Blooms: pale green to beige, June into August

Height: 3 to 5 feet

Conditions: shade to pt shade, moist-medium to medium soils