Rudbeckia laciniata, Wild Golden Glow

Rudbeckia laciniata, Wild Golden Glow or sometimes Cutleaf Coneflower, is a flowering plant native to most of Minnesota, favoring the wet soils of forested floodplains, wetlands, ditches, and woodland edges. This sunny yellow coneflower brightens up many a woodland trail from midsummer to early fall.

It is one of the tallest wildflowers of woodlands, and will spread under the right conditions. Good companion to Sweet Joe Pye Weed, Boneset, Bottlebrush Grass, and various ferns. Not recommended for a smaller garden setting -this is a landscape plant that needs a community to support it. I have seen a hedge of this plant (picture below), but that was in bright sun in a wetter location in upstate NY.

Blooms: yellow, late July through September

Height: 5 to 7 feet, flowering stems may lean without supporting plants or stakes

Conditions: pt sun to dappled shade, moist to medium soils

Wild Golden Glow hedge seen in New York State.