Click ≡ ( hamburger menu) on the upper left to see options. Shelterwood's retail nursery is now permanently closed due to the sale of our property. However, the website continues as a resource on native plant species information. I am also available for consultation services. Please see the About Shelterwood Consultation Services page to learn how I can help answer your native plant questions! At its peak, Shelterwood grew over 230 species —often species you were unlikely to find anywhere else. Nearly all species were mature plants -meaning that these plants had been growing two, three, or more years and were overwintered, outdoors, in their pots or in a small number of instances, in raised beds. Winter vernalization creates a hardier plant at planting time than those grown lushly in a greenhouse. Benefits of Planting Mature, Over-wintered Native Plants The hardiness advantage. Plugs that leave the warm, humid greenhouse can be stressed by our fickle clima...
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Shelterwood Gardens