Mitella diphylla, Bishop's Cap

The diminutive flowers of Bishop's Cap

Bishop's Cap enjoys the cool, shaded floor of our woodlands. There, it will do best, although it is also candidate for the north side of a fence, under deeply-rooted trees, or along with ferns and other shade loving native plants. Read total shade caveat below....

A tip for planting on the north side of a house -most forest species prefer a degree of light. Never all day sun, but dappled or just a bit of morning sun is perfectly fine. If no sun is available at all (those dark spaces right up against the north wall of a house), you'll want to plant species that grow under trees on the north face of cliffs or deep within ravines. I'm thinking spleenwort, moss, wild ginger, and fern may be able to fill that gap. You could also try Bishop's Cap.

Blooms: white, late April into June

Height: 10 to 16 inches

Conditions: shade, a bit of morning sun, or dappled shade, moist-medium to medium soils

Flowers five way to tiny cups filled with black pearls floating above chartreuse foliage.

Unaided eyes cannot see such a diminutive flower up close.